State-of-the-Art Greenhouse now Complete at Dixonville School

Thank you Ms. P! Your vision is now a reality…
In a remarkable display of collaboration and innovation, students at Dixonville School are turning their passion for sustainability into reality by constructing a state-of-the-art greenhouse. Thanks to the generous support of the A+ Energy Grant, local leaders Bill, Kathy, Wayne, and Judy Woods, students built a greenhouse and expanded their horizons through hands-on project-based learning.
A HUGE Dynamite THANK YOU to Greg Pasichniuk for installing solar panels to power the greenhouse's watering system and fans, reducing its environmental footprint. Vance Trucking for donating topsoil, Dan and Loise Brister from Northern Lights Fruit and Vegetable Company for generously providing the solar panels, Woods Logging for rototilling the garden spots, and Brennan Plumbing and Heating for the plumbing supplies.
The A+ Energy Grant has not only funded the project but has also provided opportunities for students to make meaningful connections beyond the walls of their school. We are so proud of our students for applying their trade skills in completing this project. Thank you Skills Canada Alberta!
Thanks to the vision and dedication of all involved, the greenhouse stands as a testament to what can be achieved when students, educators, and community partners come together to pursue a common goal.